Want to avoid cancer? Want to be cancer free?
The opinion on this webpage is gained from 46 years of experience and not approve by the FDA and American Cancer Society.
If you have active cancer, we offer no cure. This is your reliable source on the latest advances on prevention and ttrustworthy alternative treatments of cancer.
For your highest good, become aware, get informed, get involved to prevent the conditions which allow cancer to flourish.
You must realize that cancer is an inflammatory disease caused by unwise diet choice, myofascial tightness affecting the pancreas, and exposure to carcinogens.
If you have active cancer, here are informational sites which offer insights to cancer treatment as an alternative to Conventional Cancer Treatment.
Remember, conventional cancer treatment is primarily a business and has monetary gain above your own interest.
Many places in the world there is almost no cancer. When persons from those areas moved into the “civilized” diet styles they become victims of cancer as well.
What can we learn from a cancer free zone that has us go to a cancer pandemic zone?
Proof that Wellness protocols can reverse the conditons which allow cancer to occur.
We will cover for topics.
A) the enzyme approach to understanding cancer
B) the amygdalin approach to understanding cancer
C) the immune boosting dietary approach to understanding cancer
D) the alternative cancer treatment modalities and facilities
Kenny’s own younger sister Donna was diagnosed in June 2013, Stage IV at St John’s Medical Center and Cancer Centers of America
Now she went from a devastated 89 pounds to a radiant normal weight of 105 pounds following Kenny’s protocol
Test to testimony!
GBOMBS Anti-Cancer Diet by Kenny’s Hero and Mentor, Father of Nutritarian Science, Dr. Joel Fuhrman Greatest Nutrition Genius of our Time!
G. Edward Griffin Documentary film Video
Hunza Valley Apricot Seeds rich in amygdalin (Vitamin B-17) – Video1 Video2 =====>> Seeds on Amazon Com
An amazing story about how cancer has been being cured since 1902
95%+ success on compliant patients untreated by radiation or chemo!
NOTE: Labeled as “Joint Support Supplement” – cannot say “cures” cancer
=======>> Enzyme Mfg Web Site <<=======
=======>> Enzyme on Amazon Com <<=======
Enzyme Approach to Cancer Article by Dr Nicolas Gonzalez
Enzyme Approach to Cancer Video Interview by Carol Alt with Dr Nicolas Gonzalez
John Beard’s Trophoblast Cell Theory by Dr Keith-Scott Mumby
Dr Gonzalez Web Site Dr Burzynski Web Site
Dr Gerson Web Site Dr Charlotte Gerson on YouTube
Enzyme Mfg Web Site Enzyme on Amazon Com
Ty Bollinger Website
New – Ty Bollinger Mini Documentary Series
Quest For The Cures