
Kenny Owens has been advocating wellness for all. Believing a community, of inspired partners, of the concerned, informed, and willing, through determined effort, can, will, and must bring the empowering message of wellness to every American.

Welcome Friends and Fellow Wellness Enthusiasts!
Our Defining Moment! Let us spread the good news!

Plot the sad points! – Time for Talk is Over! – Action is Required!
Diagnosis: America is not well! – Rx: Delos Wellness Vision
The Current Paradigm is Failing Dismally
Degenerative Disease is at Pandemic Stage! Join our Great Historic Cause!
Get informed, engaged, and involved.
Building a coalition of Informed and
concerned Wellness and Medical Partners

Introducing: “Wellness Algorithms”
The Grandmaster Formula for Wellness Success
Bringing Forth “The Defining Wellness Formula”

Kenny’s Wellness Plan Proposes a “Full Spectrum Approach” to achieve a vibrant, radiant, illness free, pain free medicine free, and surgery free life.

Kenny Owens’ Wellness Plan
Four Fundamentals of Kenny’s Wellness Plan
1) Ideological Science – The body is a miraculous self healing machine
2) Nutrition Science – Micronutrient Rich Diet – Nutrition outperforms medicine
3) Myofascial Science – The “Missing Link” Bodywork elevated exponentially
4) Genetic, Epigenitic, Stem Cell, Telomere Science – Future of Medicine

Our Duty: Let us not turn our back on those who have not had the privilege of finding the real truth. Wise diet choice is the single most important consideration affecting our future health. Let us “partner” and unite to share our vast gifts and treasures to all, by bringing forth the inspiring message of Wellness to every American resident, physician, caregiver, researcher, and institution.