Kenny’s father, Pete Owens, was a great role model. He never saw his parents in an argument. His father always had a smile on his face and made friends with everyone he met. His father had great integrity and was known for his leadership, empathy, and honesty and was much revered and respected far and wide. Kenny’s father received the “dad of the year” award in Dallas, Texas in 1969.
After years of experiencing highs and lows and many occupations and interactions with numerous different individuals around the world, Kenny offers some simple advice.
If you want a friend, be a friend.
Be a student, open and fair-minded, and constantly a seeker after truth.
Know that all souls have a great and noble purpose.
Be a respectful guest in this world.
Live a life of love and devotion.
Pray and meditate daily to develop spiritual consciousness.
Sweeten our attitudes daily to enrich our lives.
Love and serve all joyfully.
Believe that you reap what you sow.
If you want truth, develop scrupulous integrity and honesty.
Work hard and go the extra mile.
Share your blessings with others.
Accept responsibility and do not blame others.